Meet the people that make the magic happen!
Creating quality courses takes time and talent. Our team of experienced developers, teachers and administrators work closely to create lessons that are engaging and interesting for students, as well as instructional resources that are practical and effective for both the classroom teachers and the online teachers. Here is a brief overview of the creative and dedicated members of our course development team for the ESL department.
Lakshmi Priya is an accomplished education management professional with more than a decade of experience in Leadership & Mentoring, Curriculum Design & Digital Content Development. She began her professional journey as software engineer after her graduation in engineering. For a short while, she was a teaching research associate at Madras institute of Technology, India. Then a full time Research Associate at an Educational Research Center heading a core team. Lakshmi has held various positions – Teacher, IT Manager, Management Representative and Principal. She has designed and implemented English, Computer Science, French and Value Education for school children across grade 1 to 12. She is also a lead ISO auditor. She loves to read, write and is a professional web designer too. She holds a Bachelors in Mechanical Engineering, Bachelors in Education and Masters in English.
Master of Arts (English), Jhansi University, India
Bachelor of Education, Kerala University, India
Bachelor of Technology (Mechanical Engg), Pondicherry University, India
Jim Chapman came to Rosedale Academy directly from Japan where he worked in EFL for more than 20 years. Jim started at a for-profit EFL school in Tokyo and then moved all over Japan as a Trainer, Head Teacher and finally Area Manager where he designed and executed training programs for new and experienced teachers. Starting in 2002, Jim worked in corporate English education and then Higher Education at Nanzan university in Nagoya, Japan. Jim has a deep interest in technology and education and has published on the effectiveness of Google Automated Speech Recognition (ASR) and using email to investigate tacit learning. Jim completed his Master of Education in 2007 and hopes to complete his Doctor of Education (EdD) this summer. His research topic is the effects of Blended Learning on motivation toward English study.
Doctor of Education (EDD), University of Liverpool*
Master of Education, Jones International University
Bachelor of Commerce, Laurentian University
Christina Dong is an educational professional that specializes in ESL teaching, curriculum development and online education. Christina spent several years in China teaching ESL to students of different age groups ranging from primary to post-secondary. She then went on to become an IELTS consultant for a large international education company. After completing the Master of Education program at the University of Toronto, Christina turned her attention to the field of online education, where she took on several roles including curriculum developer, instructional designer, tutor trainer and academic operations manager. Christina has developed online English courses that are currently being used by thousands of students in China. Christina has a great passion for online education and believes it has huge potential to change the lives of youth all over the world.
TESOL, Oxford Seminars
Master of Education, OISE, University of Toronto
Master of Arts, Sun Yat-sen University
Bachelor of Arts, Shandong University
Pam Turnbull is an expert educator with an extensive background in curriculum development, instructional strategies, teacher professional development, guidance counselling, and social, emotional and academic learning. Working with the internationally acclaimed York Region District School Board in Ontario, Canada, Pam served in many capacities including Teacher, School Counsellor, Guidance Department Head, District Level Consultant and District Secondary Program Coordinator. Her provincial work includes Director and Instructor with the Ontario School Counsellors’ Association, writer for the Ontario Ministry of Education and University Adjunct Professor. Pam has worked globally with adult educators delivering professional development programs for teachers in Korea, Hong Kong, Taiwan, China and Kuwait. Pam has a Masters of Education degree with a focus on curriculum and currently serves as the Director of Academic Programs at Rosedale Academy.
Master of Education, OISE, University of Toronto
Bachelor of Education, OISE, University of Toronto
Bachelor of Arts (English/Political Science), University College, University of Toronto
Fernando Oliveira is a teacher, instructional designer and technology junkie. After graduating from teacher’s college in 2001, Fernando worked as a high school teacher in remote First Nations communities in Northern-western Ontario. Fernando also spent over a decade working with high schools, colleges and universities to develop online learning environments and programs that suite the needs of their respective learning communities. Fernando is a passionate advocate for Open Source software and online technologies that allow educators and learners to utilize the power of the Internet is ways that are meaningful, productive and fun. Fernando has a Masters of Education degree with a focus on curriculum and online learning and currently serves as the Director or Education Technology at Rosedale Academy.
Master of Education, OISE, University of Toronto
Bachelor of Education, OISE, University of Toronto
Bachelor of Arts (History/Political Science), Woodsworth, University of Toronto
Paul Tufts recently completed a two-year term working as an Education Advisor for a private education service provider in Malaysia. As a member of the advisory team, he helped to lead the implementation of the Malaysian government’s blueprint for school transformation in their public schools.
Prior to his international experience, Paul worked for 31 years with a large school board in Ontario. His roles included teacher, vice-principal and principal in the secondary panel, as well as Superintendent of Education for the final six years.
At the provincial level, Paul has taught the qualification programs for both principals and supervisory officers.
Master of Education – Western University
Bachelor of Education – Western University
Bachelor of Arts – Western University
David May is experienced in the media, communications and education sectors with a strong academic foundation, David brings many talents to his work with Rosedale. An ESL/EFL Teacher who has taught both at universities and high schools in China and Taiwan, he also continues to work as a Research and Communications Specialist with extensive Asia Pacific knowledge and experience. His past positions included that of a Political and Economic Analyst for Export Development Canada. He holds a Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy with extensive certification in International Relations, Politics and Globalization.
Certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (CELTA), Cambridge University – International House Hanoi, Vietnam
Journalism Diploma, Algonquin College, Algonquin College
Bachelor of Arts (Philosophy), Dalhousie University
Dana Pickford is an experienced K-12 Teacher with a demonstrated history of working in information technology, customer service, and education fields. Skilled in Microsoft Word, Sales, Public Speaking, English, and Management. Strong education professional with a Master of Education (M.Ed.) focused in Educational/Instructional Technology from University of Ontario Institute of Technology.
Dana has worked with Rosedale Academy as an online teacher and marker for both English and ESL courses. Currently she is also working with the Greater Essex District School Board in Ontario.
Master of Education, University of Ontario Institute of Technology*
Bachelor of Education, University of Windsor
Bachelor of Arts Honours (English and Psychology), University of Windsor
Victoria Miles has experience as both a curriculum developer and designer where she has produced ESL and English courses to be delivered in an online environment. Her courses incorporate online learning apps that promote interactive learning for students.
Victoria has taught internationally in Uganda, as well as various independent schools in Ontario. ESL and English have been her areas of expertise. Currently she is completing her requirements for Bachelor of Education at Simon Fraser University located in Vancouver, B.C. where she is specializing in Secondary School teaching and Curriculum Theory.
Bachelor of Education / Professional Development Program, Simon Fraser University
TESOL / TEFL Master Course, Learn TEFL Online
Bachelor of Arts (English/Sociology), Saint Mary’s University